Thursday, June 21, 2007

Getting ready for the trip

We are almost done and ready for the trip. Thankfully I went to the house I was to clean today and they weren't there. Anyway I ran a few errands and made it home, so I have time to update the blog. When I got home there was a message from Best Buy our camera is done!!!!!!!!! They have had it since May 31.
Christopher is enjoying being an only child. Keith said last night how little trouble he is. I think it is just because he doesn't have anyone to fight with. We havne't heard from Bethany which is good. Last year she called once, I think that was only because others called on the counselor's cell phone.
Well I have some phone calls to make so I better go.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Beth left for camp

Bethany was able to leave for Jr. Girls camp this morning. She was so very excited, I don't think she slept much last night. I wasn't really ready for her to leave yet. I know she'll have a grat time and I can't wait to hear from her at the end of the week. She is so good about telling us all. Last year she talked non stop Saturday night.
Chris got to go to Jacob Hylton's house while I cleaned this morning. He had a great time playing with Jacob! He especially liked the trampoline! Then we ran some errands. Now we are going to eat pizza and watch TV.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Busy Week

Ok since my kids were gone this week, I worked some extra hours. I also got Christopher's room cleaned and started on Beth's. I made Keith breakfast in bed one day and tried to get things done for our trip to Penn.
Yesterday, Keith went up to Decorah to move his brother Kevin down to Nevada. The move didn't go very smoothly, they arrived in Nevada at about 9:30 pm. Needless to say Kevin slept at our house last night.
Meanwhile..........I called Best Buy and our camera was done, but still needes to be shipped to Ames. Hopefully we will get it back before we go to PA, but we have to figure out something else for Beth this next week.
I went to Pella to get the kids. They had a great time at VBS! They also did some fun things at Gma and Gpa's like playing cops and robbers and going to Thursday night in Pella. It was Shakesphere Night! They even ate supper uptown! My mom said that made up for not getting to eat out during Tulip Time since it was so cold and rainy. We had an ok trip back to Ames. Beth was to be at the lady's house who is to be her counselor this week, to make T-shirts. We got there on time. I shut off the car and then came back and it wouldn't start! I got a ride to get my other car, however our towing company had someone jump it. When I shut it off it didn't restart. So we jumped it again. I decided to leave it there and take my other car. Our other car was loud, but then while I was driving it to Nevada to get Keith and Kevin, it got louder. When we got home we noticed it had something dragging.
Well, we drove it to Chris's baseball game this morning this was his last game. It was kind of a rough start with us all being tired and he forgot his glove. He did get 2 good hits, a good play at 2nd and a chance to be the catcher. Then we went up to Ames and Steve Gray our hero helped us get a new battery for our cavalier.
Then we went and unloade Kevin's stuff. He is basically moved in.
Ok so now I need to say some of the great things I need to be thankful for-
  • My car didn't break down on the road and we were able to get both of them running for now.
  • Kevin is now only 1/2 hour away from us instead of 3 hours! He has a great little house and really seems to like his room mate and staff.
  • Since we had to go back and get our car, we bought a very nice futon for $25 at a garage sale.
  • We were able to spend time with Kevin and his roommate and staff.
  • Christopher and Beth both helped out alot today!
  • We are all safe and home for another night.
  • Beth says she's happy because she gets to go to Jr. Girls camp on Monday.
  • I have friends and relatives(who are also friends!) that read my blog.

Saturday, June 09, 2007


We came to Pella yesterday. Unfortunately our camera is still not working. We bought a service plan so it is at Best Buy. We were hoping it could be done before we left for Pella so Beth could use it this week. Then if she can keep track of it here, we'll let her take it to Jr. Girls Camp. I'm not sure what we'll do now. Christopher played video games with Dalton and Beth played with Trevon.
Last night I went out to eat with my parents and my aunts and uncles. It was fun and relaxing. Chris kind of had a hard time sitting as it took alittle while to get our food. Then we just sat outside and enjoyed the nice weather. When it was too dark and the bugs came out, we went in. I was able to fix my mom's sewing machine at least it was sewing last night.
Today, we went grocery shopping. My brother, wife and nephew, Eli came. Since it is still nice the kids are outside. We are planning to go out again tonight. Which is an unusual thing when we are at my parents, but oh well. It will be fun and my mom won't have to work so hard.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Yesterday the kids and I went to the Slater Pool after I worked. We were even able to go over for awhile in the evening. Christopher's favorite is the diving board. He has already made good friends with the Life Guards. Beth enjoys the board, slide, but mostly just swimming around.
Today, we went to the Aquatic Center in West Des Moines with Kim, Ben and the girls. They have 6 slides 2 for tubes, lazy river, fun kids area and diving board. Both of my kids are at a great age where they enjoy playing in the kiddy area with Ben, but also can swim in the deep water. I didn't have to work so we were there for about 4 hours so I think we got our money worth. They both seem ready for bed, even Christopher just yawned a hug yawn.
Keith has begun to get the areas around our house and trees ready for wood chips. He thinks this will help our yard look better and save him time mowing. I agree that both happened when we did the swing set and flower bed. Now if I could just cover parts of our house so it wouldn't get cluttered and save me time cleaning.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Summer begins!

This morning we were up and ready for the garage sale before 8 am. It was a great day weather wise! However, some people would drive by and not really see my garage so they wouldn't stop. Oh well we all made some money and met new people.
After we packed up the extra stufff, the kids went to the pool! They were so very excited for the Slater Pool to be open. They swam for 2 1/2 hours and then came home and ate supper and went back for 2 more hours. Personally I thought this evening was a little chilly, but they had a great time! Christopher really likes to go off the board even though Beth said it was too cold to get out of the water.
Now the kids are taking showers and getting ready for bed. I'm planning to go to bed early also. Tomorrow is church and practice for TFC and a meeting.
This is the last week of "normal" for quite awhile. Beth and Chris will go to my parents for a week. Then Beth goes to Jr. Girls camp and then we all go to Pennsylvania with the teens for 10 days. Then we are home for 4 or 5 days and then Jr. High camp. It will be crazy, but lots of fun! Beth is so excited about Jr. Girls she is about to burst! (And it is still 2 weeks away)