Wednesday, July 01, 2009


I am so thankful that God gives us what we NEED when we need it. That has been very evident over the last few weeks. Our Air Conditioning broke and we were able to borrow a window unit from friends. It has since cooled down which is good so everyone can sleep in their own beds until we leave for Nebraska where the kids will either have to share a bed or one sleep on the floor. Also Keith received a $100 bonus and raise from his part time job. This is good as he is taking time off for the Mission's Trip as well as Jr. High Camp. We also were able to buy used furniture for our living room for a great deal!
William is rolling over from back to stomach. He also has at least 1 tooth poking thru on the bottom. There may be 2 we'll see. I also think he's top ones will be showing very soon. He really has still been very happy and sleeping thru the night. I decided that since I get to be home with him during the day he doesn't need me at night like the other kids did that is why he is sleeps thru the night. We'll see how he does next week with the trip.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Jr. Boys and VBS in Pella

We went to Pella on Thursday to spend 2 days with my parents and Beth. Beth was especially glad to see William! Beth and I also went to the Pella pool with my niece Haiey and nephew Dalton. It is a great aquatic center! We had a blast until the storm came. It seemed wierd that Chris wasn't there and I even called him to supper one night.
Chris had a good time at Jr. Boys. He bought back a full container of soap, but said he took a shower 3 days. He only brought back $.25 !!! Oh well he made a marshmallow shooter, slime , hacky sack, bought a flashlight and went on a jet ski!!! I'm sure he also bought snacks. He also went on the zip line for the first time!!!!
I'm going to make meatloaf for FAther's Day since that is Keith's favorite. Then we'll finish packing Beth for Jr. Girls camp!!! I'm glad my kids are growing up and striving to be godly! It is fun to see them grow. However, I'm glad that they still enjoy being home. Also that God blest us with William to have as a baby while the others are becoming teens.
William notes-He is grabbing onto things. He really likes his toes.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A quiet week!

This week William is an only child! Beth is in Pella and Chris is at Jr. boys camp. It has been quiet except last night he was a little more fussy as he is getting teeth either that or he missed Chris. Since he didn't act like that last week when Beth was gone. Wiliam has been grabbing at things more and he is even playing with his toys on his exer saucer.

Beth went to Water and work week at camp last week. She started out trying for lifeguard, but switched to kitchen/ dining. She came back mature and more like a "teenager". That may sound weird, but some of the things she said I've been hearing from other teenage girls and now they are coming from her mouth. Nothing bad just teenage like. For exampl;e she was talking about cleaning and weeding the Squinny Ball court and then she said they played since of course we had to test it and make sure it worked! She isn't working any other weeks, but she is ok with that as she is only 12. She had fun and got a free pen and devotional book, plus a free week of camp! She also met some new girls, but she is having a hard time remembering their names. Boy girl, she's like her dad. She will be going to Jr. Girls next week. I hope the camp is still standing after having Nemec children for 3 weeks in a row.

I'm so glad Chris could go to Jr. boys, I pray that he'll listen and learn. I also pray that he'll bring money home. He just loves to spend money! He'd like to buy a Clue game, but just can't seem to save enough to buy it. We'll see.

Well I really should do something more productive than yesterday. I'm just enjoying the queit so I can think about books for next school year and our cash flow plan aka budget. It seems like when Beth and Chris are home it is too crazy to think straight.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

My Kids

God has truly blessed us with very unique kids. We have Beth who is 12 and trying hard to be a friend to all and fit in youth group. I think it is hard going from the sponsor's kid to a teen. She hurt her foot at Tulip Time and it is still really bothering her. We are kind of worried as she goes to water and work week at camp in a week. I am praying that it will really heal this week, so she can have a good week. I feel like this is the last week we'll have together for awhile and it is sad as we have been getting along and enjoying each others company.
Chris finished soccer season today. He has improved over the season, but still has a ways to go. He right now is at a birthday party/ sleep over for a friend at church. I'm sure he'll be exhausted tomorrow after 2 games and then the party, but he'll still want to go swimming. So we'll try to go. He wasn't feeling the best yesterday/ He said he had a sore throat and he had a cough. I hope that doesn't get worse. He can be helpful one minute and naughty the next. It's crazy!
5 years ago tomorrow Nicholas went to heaven! While he was with us only a short time, he made a lasting impact on our life. We talk of him and the time we had him. Beth and Chris have special memories of him and the time they spent at Jeff and Sherry's. Keith and I have memories of him and the time we spent together. We spent the most time together as a couple during those months than any other time in our marriage. Especially the week Nicholas was in Iowa City. We are thankful for the ones who heard the gospel at his funeral and for the 1 teen we know accepted Christ because of Nicholas. My prayer is that we can continue to use Nicholas as a chance to minister to others.
William is smiling and laughing a ton. His new thing is trying to suck on his fingers and his bottle at the same time! It doesn't quite work the best. He also has been enjoying the new veggies I've been giving him. He really likes green beans!!! I'm so thankful to God that he gave him to us now as our other kids have become more independent and gone more in the summer. (I know that seems odd, but hey I really enjoy kids!!!)

New Stairs

Keith spent most of Memorial Day weekend working on these new stairs! He got the wood free from our neighbor and so we only had to buy the screws.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Christopher Funny-William's accomplishemnts and Beth

So the other night I was tucking Chris into bed. I still needed to do some dishes or something, so I was going back downstairs. So Chris tells me, "stay up really late and then you'll be crabby tomorrow, I like it when you are crabby it is very funny!"
Last week William's accomplishments- Kicking off both socks and kicking off the blanket.
Beth is going to Water and Work week at Camp this summer. She really doesn't want to be gone from Willaim extra time. I doubt she'd think twice if it was only the rest of us.
I'm taking the kids for pictures tomorrow. It could be really very interesting! I just pray that William doesn't sleep thru the whole thing. He has a great smile and I want to capture it!!!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Church and William update

Tonight I left William in the church nursery for the first time! He did great! I think he was kind of laughing at the other babies that were crying!!!
Beth and Chris both got clubber of the month. Beth did good working on her golds, silvers and verses, but I really had to push Chris to get him to work on them. He kind of freaked out on me and said stuff like you are forcing me and pushing me. I told him I was, but it was for a good reason. Aren't I the awful parent forcing my son to memorize the Bible!
I was really touched by Pastor Scott's message to the Sr. Highers aka CALLED group tonight! It was on praying when we have anxiety. He said we should pray in this order-
That way by the time we get to "asking" we are in the right mind set. It really helped me be reminded of what to do when we have hard times and why.
It was nice to go to church tonight as we didn't make it on Sunday. Keith went in the ditch on his way home from work. He wasn't hurt and neither was the van. However, a towing ban was placed on shortly after he went in the ditch so they weren't able to tow it out right away. Thankfully Joel and Steph loaned us their car, so we didn't have to worry about Keith getting to work that night. The towing ban was lifted around 8 pm and we got back home with the van in time for Keith to get to work.
Last night William slept what I would say is all night-He ate at 9:30 pm and awoke at 7:30 am. Me being the not normal mother did not freak out since he did kind of wake me up at 6ish and I was 1/2 asleep. I was surprised that he took his pacifier and went back to sleep. God has truly blessed us with a good baby! He likes to be held and talked to, but is ok to lay and look around unless he is hungry. He had his first round of shoots on Tuesday and only cried for a short time. He now weighs 11 lbs 5 oz! The doctor is pleased that he is at 50 % which is where he was at birth. That means no more 1 week trips to get weighed. I think the nurses are going to miss him. They all love his blue eyes and smiles!
Tomorrow I need to clean, and finish up Beth's skirt for Easter Sunday. I'm not sure I would mind cleaning if someone-my children would pick everything up for me and do dishes. Maybe I need to put on the Price is Right since I use to watch it while I cleaned other people's houses. Maybe it will get me in the mood to clean!!!!!!!

Friday, April 03, 2009


Both the girls and guys teams got 1st Place!!
Chris said, "I hope I don't get 1st every year, I'd like a ribbon!"
This was Beth's last year, Can you tell she put a lot into it!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

AWANA Crazy hair night

They had crazy hair night at AWANA I cut stripes in Christopher's hair.
For Beth's hair I did it like I did my hair back in the day! Doesn't the big bangs and teased hair bring back memories!

Monday, March 30, 2009


He now weighs 10 lbs 7 oz!

Botanical Gardens

The banana tree.
Beth playing pin the nose on the clown.

Chris's 3 eyed lion.

Ben with glue!!!!!!!
Keith's sister Kim took the kids to the Botanical Center in DesMOines during the spring break and they had a special day. They did crafts and played games with a circus theme.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

updated pictures of William

It is hard to get those first smiles.
I finally took my camera upstairs so I could get him smiling first thing in the morning! Yes, I have another morning boy! He is a lot like his dad and brother as he can fall asleep fast and wake up happy!

Valentine's Day Smiling!

It has been a little crazy the last few weeks and I couldn't find my camera cord to upload pictures, so I figured I should wait. Chris had a cold and passed it on to William. Then Keith and Beth got the cold. Keith actually didn't go to work for 3 nights. Keith was the sickest of all as he had to work and didn't sleep right away when he got it. Hopefully we'll get back to the new normal.
Also good news--William has a cousin just 6 weeks younger than him. Evan Daniel Newman was born yesterday at 2:45 am. He weighed 9lbs 14 oz and is 23 in. long! It will be fun for them to have cousins that close!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

2 week check up

While we had a quiet weekend, this week has been a little bit busier. I took Chris to PE and Beth, William and I went to the library. It basically wore me out. Today I took William in for his 2 week check up. He now weighs 8 lbs 4 oz and is healthy. Last night he slept from 11:30 pm-5 am.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Life with the new baby

Cousin Jael (19 mon) holding William!

The "Boys"

First day at church waiting for dad to finish talking.

Well, week 1 seems to be good. My parents were here Friday and Saturday. It was nice to spend time with them and get a little spoiled with mom's cooking. Keith's sister and family came to visit on Friday night. Joel and his family came Saturday afternoon and Jeff came for supper on Saturday night. Thursday and Friday night William did not sleep too well, but both Saturday and last night he slept better. We were able to go to church yesterday morning and then to the Super Bowl Party at church. It was a great time as people in the church made commercials to show during the other commercials. It was also fun to see people from all ages together!
I took him in to have his weight checked. He didn't even cry when we undressed him and put him on the scale or while the doctor checked him over. He just watched him. He is doing ok weight wise and the doctor has no other concerns.
Chris and Beth got school done today. Chris had a hard time getting started, but that is nothing new. The day has actually gone by fast, Beth was just in here pointing out that it was after 5 and how it didn't seem that late. Maybe it's since the days are getting longer.

Friday, January 30, 2009

William Eugene Nemec

William Eugene Born January 26, 2009 10:03 am 8 lbs 2 oz 21 in long.
He is a really good baby. Beth and Chris have been big helpers.
All the kids enjoy their time with their dad!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Facebook | My Photos - Baby

Facebook My Photos - Baby

AWANA Quizzing

Last night was AWANA quizzing at our church. I was able to make it as that was my due date. Both of their teams got 2nd place. Beth's team was only 1 point lower than the 1st place team! So she was disappointed as she has always gotten 2nd all 4 years she has quizzed. They were happy to be able to go McDonald's aferwards for Ice cream. We were ther first to leave as Keith had to get to work. Right now they are watching a movie since we also had to get up and go get Keith from work this morning. We went to Wal-Mart and the library so I think we are set to have the baby this week!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Christopher's Birthday

I was trying to post pictures, but it wasn't working. We did most of the celebrating on Saturday the day before his actual birthday. He had his last basketball game for the season. He has made progress this season and the games actually include plays and some strategy. After his game he convinced us to let him open his presents. He really like his UNO H2O cards from Bethany. He played a game with them in the shower that night. We got him a skating pond with music, sleigh, and swing for his winter village. He like the skating pond since it plays music. That evening we went to Mcdonald's play land in Ankeny. He had alot of fun playing with the other kids. Beth forgot to wear socks. (She had her boots on so her feet were warm enough.) She said it was boring to sit and talk to Keith and I. Oh well it wasn't her birthday. Sunday Chris and Beth were able to go to the Robbins' house a family from our church that have kids that match Beth and Chris's age and gender. So they had fun playing the WII and other things.
We are thankful that the weather has warmed up and I'm glad that we haven't had any new snow. We actually had great days of school amongst those "snow days" of other schools. I feel like my house it clean, so I'm ready to have the baby except for Awana quizzing on Friday night and helping with try outs for the teen play. Both of which will go on without me.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Baby coming????

Chris told me today he wanted me to have the baby tomorrow. So then we'll have 2 birthdays right in a row as his birthday is Sunday. Then he clarified that he wanted to have the baby born 1 minute after midnight tonight.
Keith would like the baby to be born on either this Monday or next Sunday or Monday.
Beth doesn't care.
I just now need them to finish their packing for when the baby DOES come!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Chris as the Robber

Here is Chris stealing a present during the Christmas program.

Christmas Program 08 actually in 09

Our kids' Chrismas program was postponed until yesterday due to weather. Christopher was a robber and Bethany was the grandma. I taped her scene only it is in 2 parts. They both also sang as part of the choir.

Sunday, January 04, 2009


I havn't posted in awhile as our laptop's cord had a short in it and it won't charge anymore. There is a new one on order which should be here this week.
Today was Keith and I's 17 year wedding anniversary! In some ways it seems like we've been married longer in others I can't believe we are old enough to have been married that long. We did go out for supper to Hickory Park with the kids. We are planning to spend 1 night in a hotel on Thursday night.
We all had a good Christmas and now are beginning to get ready to have the baby. We have had the car seat and bassinet for awhile. I also have outfits for a girl and boy to take to the hospital to bring the baby home since we don't know which it is. We also have a couple new blankets which I'm sure we'll need to get the baby home. This week we'll get the Christmas stuff packed away and then get see what other clothes and things we may need and pack our bags so we are ready. We also have a crib, it just needs to be put together the rest of the way.