Saturday, September 29, 2007

Throw the computer out the window!!!

Ok so we have been having computer problems again. Anyway I have pictures from Beth's birthday which she enjoyed and the Fun Fair at church. My plan is to post them Monday. Sorry.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The weekend

Last night we went to the Homecoming Dinner at Faith. We sat with my brother, wife and daughter, Johanna. We also had one of our past teens,Andy Mungons, with us at the table and another freshman and professor. It was exciting to see what students did for the summer. Also the kids enjoy the time with other kids. This was also the first time we heard the new president, Dr. Maxwell speak. I thought he did a good job at challenging us.
Today Chris got caught up on all his school work. Next week we hope it is better so we don't have to do school on Saturday. We also went to an open house for a couple in our church. It was their 25 year anniversary and their daughter was able to surprise them!!! Then I had to go to the grocery store. Keith and the kids really didn't want to go, but we are trying to save gas so they went. Keith was amazed at what you could buy at ALDI's. I told him he should come more often as it changes. On the way home we did get into the game traffic. The once a year traffic jam in Huxley Iowa.
This next week seems busy as I have to finish up Beth's birthday shopping. She turns 11 one week from tomorrow! Thankfully we are not having a friend party this year. I enjoy them, but they are a lot of work.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Saturday the Hatfields weren't able to come over so we decided to play Monopoly. It was alot of fun! Christopher won! This is the second time we have done this as a family and the second time Christopher won.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Beth and her gum

While I was working today, Beth calls me and says, "I chewed Christopher's gum." I ask if he is mad was it special gum. She says no. So I'm like what's the problem. She says, "He had already chewed it." She took it off his plate after lunch. I reassured her that it wasn't that big of deal. He isn't sick right now. The college girls that was cleaning with me just laughed. She thinks I get some of the most interesting phone calls from my kids.
We are working on cleaning this afternoon. Tomorrow night we are having Pastor Will, Amy and family over for supper. God has blessed us with such a nice house that we need to share it more often. My plan is not to leave home at all tomorrow. We'll have to see. I'm not sure what I'm having for supper so I may have to run to the store.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Labor Day and Starting School!

This weekend was the weekend that Keith decided to help paint the up stairs at my parents' house. It didn't go as well as he expected so we stayed an extra day. We did get home on Tuesday afternoon with enough time to start school. The first two days have been traumatic for Chris, but today was better. Beth has done great! She finishes and then offers to help him. One of the other cleaning ladies quit so I've had my schedule changed alittle. It hasn't been too bad. I just like to be in a routine.