Thursday, December 11, 2008

Getting Ready for Christmas Keith's new job

So we are doing Christmas with my family on Saturday. The kids and I went shopping on Tuesday night and then Chris and I went on Wednesday afternoon. Tonight Chris says he'll wrap the presents. He actually is quite good if I cut the paper. He however, got 3 done and said he new favorite saying,"I'm bored!" He likes to say that when he really just doesn't want to do the thing we are doing anymore. Bethany helped me make the Buckeyes ok maybe really I helped her as I think she did the majority of the work. We'll finish up the wrapping and make some peanut clusters tomorrow. Beth is making a special dinner and we are hanging out as a family tomorrow night.
I am 1 week away from being only a stay at home mom and homeshool mom, soccer mom youth leader and etc.... Well at least I won't be working outside of the home!!! I have enjoyed cleaning other people's homes for the past year and half or so, but am really ready to be done for now. In order to help with finances Keith will be working part time at YSS in Ames. He'll be working Friday and Saturday overnights. It is similiar to what he does at Youth Homes. He has been training this week, which has been kind of hard, but I'm working less hours so that helps. All in all we wish he didn't have to work, but it is a good job and our house flows better with me not working at this time. He is also praying for chances to share with co-workers and kids Christ. It will also be nice in that our church is local so he can invite them to Campus. Where he works now is in Johnston so Campus is at least 45 min away for most co-workers.
I am still feeling pretty good physically. My blood pressre has been normal and the doctor says I'm boring which is good! My due date is 6 weeks from tomorrow. I however do not think I'll have the baby on or before the due date. My actual due date is AWANA quizing at our church so I'd like to be able to be there to see Chris and Beth compete. I may feel differently as the day approaches, but now I think it would be easier to be pregnant.